poverty in Cambodia

poverty in Cambodia


Current solutions

Numerous individuals recognize the need to combat poverty here and have set up organizations to help deal with the situation.

Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is one such organization that helps its members (mostly developing countries) to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. For Cambodia, it helps by providing them with immense grants and loans to support for infrastructure and transport sector development . However, this has proved to be ineffective as even with 940 million dollars worth of aid from the ADB , Cambodia is still suffering severely from poverty. Thus more needs to be done to alleviate the situation in Cambodia.

Tabitha Foundation Singapore

Tabitha Foundation Singapore is yet another initiative. Set up in 2004 to help Cambodians in poverty, the foundation aims to aid Cambodians by arranging voluntary house-building teams to Cambodia, facilitate corporate sponsorship, developing a network of schools that support Tabitha Cambodia. It also sells Tabitha cottage industry products in Singapore in order to raise funds.
However, although the foundation has met with certain success, it is still lacking in some areas. Tabitha Foundation helps the Cambodians by building wells, the savings program, building houses and selling their cottage products. Although these programs have helped thousands , many more are still out of their reach . This is because the foundation uses a top-down approach to help the Cambodians, which is very labour and resource intensive, requiring funds that the foundation is simply unable to sustain for long terms.